Initial Color Consultation
Initial Color consultation

“The color help you’ve given me is the best beauty treatment I’ve ever had…”
“You have made my life so easy! People compliment me all the time and shopping is a breeze. Thank you!”
“This has truly made a difference in my looks…”

Those are some of the comments from people who have received a custom color evaluation from Cynthia Skari, creator of the easy and effective Color Quest system.

Until you experience it yourself, you can’t believe the difference that color can make in enhancing your looks, boosting your confidence, and improving your self-esteem. In fact, research shows that the way you look can be the key to getting a better job, earning more money, and being considered more intelligent.

During a custom color evaluation with Cynthia Skari, she’ll sort through 2200+ colors to find the ones that look best on you. Within six days of your personal consultation with Cynthia, you’ll receive your own Color Quest fan of color swatches which you can use to shop for new clothing and coordinate beautiful outfits. The two-hour custom color evaluation is a completely individualized process and no two Color Quest color fans will look alike.

Cynthia’s color consultation also covers makeup, including the best colors and techniques for the structure of your face and the shape of your features. This takes all the guesswork out of buying and applying makeup!

Included in your consultation is detailed information about color, along with value, texture, pattern, and clothing style. You also receive information about hairstyle, makeup and eyeglasses – all in a handy booklet which you can refer to in the future.

With the knowledge you receive from Cynthia Skari, you can dress knowing that you look wonderful… shop quickly and wisely, loving everything you buy… and look and feel extraordinary.

A custom color evaluation includes your own personal Color Quest color fan, workshop, and informational booklet. Please contact Cynthia for more information or to schedule an appointment. Gift certificates are available!

Visit Client Services to learn about additional services
available to you following your Initial Color Consultation!
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